Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Grace of God

My friend from Milford, Michigan visited Inna and I this past week and it was a great encouragement to the both of us. He is a guy who I met a few years ago when I worked at First Baptist of Milford. We've now done ministry together in America, Cuba, Mexico and Russia. His testimony is an awesome reminder to me of the grace of God. If God does not open our eyes to see His glory, we will remain blinded and enslaved under the weight of our sin. When God delivers us from our sin and gives us victory over the power of Satan, we have no one to thank for except Christ. This is the way its suppose to be. The Giver gets the Glory. If we could beat Satan and sin in our own strength than we would have reason to boast. But that's not the case. We are too enslaved, too addicted, to en-natured (is this a word?) to overcome the power of darkness. But Christ is not and his Grace is greater than our sin. Therefore, He gets the glory! Ephesians 1:3-8.